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Rotary Onlinehttps://dunwoodyrotary.org
ROTARY CLUB OFFridays, 7:15 am |
President | Louise Barden |
President Nominee | David Burr |
Immediate PP | Jack Sparks, Jr. |
Vice President | Matthew Johnson |
Treasurer | Carter Stout |
Secretary | Alison Norris |
Join us this Friday at the Embassy Suites to welcome our own Robert Hall, currently serving Rotary International as the Vice Chair, Fundraising, for the End Polio Now Campaign. Robert will update us on the status of the polio eradication campaign. While we could have used his official Rotary photo, we have chosen instead to include a 2007 photo of Robert when he and Charlene participated in a National Immunization Day in India.
As most of you know, Robert is a past member of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody, serving as our Club President in 1995-96. Robert and Charlene moved to Forsyth County a few years ago, and Robert ins now a member of the Rotary Club of Forsyth County. He served as District Governor in District 6900, as Chair of the 2017 Rotary International Convention Host Committee. and as a Rotary International Director while part of the Dunwoody Club. He has been a Council on Legislation representative, District Rotary Foundation Chair, End Polio Now Coordinator, and served on the RI Director & RI President Nominating Committees. Bob and Charlene have represented the RI President at district conferences and been a keynote speaker in several states and countries for Rotary and other organizations. Robert has participated in several international projects and led a NID team to India. [more]
We're all on the team for our major fundraiser - the FORE the Memories golf tournament that takes place Monday, May 19. We
really need your help in gaining sponsorships especially for the $2,500 sponsorship of Ditty Bags with your name or logo. We want
to get these ordered as soon as possible to avoid delays in shipments or any
future tariff issues that could affect our cost.
We also need event sponsors for the $2,500 Hole in One and the $2,500 Putting Contest and are looking for two $5,000 Gold sponsors and another $,3,000 Silver sponsor.
As you know, we are asking for help in making contact with a potential $20,000 Signature sponsor as well! Rick Woods has contacted EVERY car dealership in our area with no luck so no surprise that this is not an easy task. The sub-committee formed to address large corporate sponsorship solicitation will now be addressed by the Business Connections Committee recently formed as part of the membership survey results complied by Peter Sherman. Please contact Hoshi Daruwalla if you want to serve on this committee.
We have openings in $1,000 Hole sponsorships as well as opportunities to simply become a $250 Contributing sponsor, a $100 Donating sponsor or even a $25 Participating sponsor!
We also need help is acquiring auction items such a restaurant gift cards (we have $100 rom Marlow’s Tavern) and other retail type gift cards, baskets of your own design such as wine or cosmetics and destination packages to lake homes, hotel weekends or beach vacations. We’ll have some jewelry items (we have a $1,000 Gift Crad from Lauderhills Fine Jewelry and a Women’s Sport Watch from Worthmore Jewelers) and possibly some sports and movie memorabilia on consignment. If you have items at home to donate, please make sure they are new and unused. Please contact Neal MacDonald if you want to serve on this committee.
The most current information can be found on the tournament website at www.rcdgolftournament.com. Please direct contacts to the most excellent website that is up-to-date and looks great thanks to Hoshi!
Last week, Peter Sherman shared the results of the Member Survey we conducted in January - with key themes and a framework for moving forward with planning around some key factors:
At the end of the meeting, members were encouraged to sign up for sub-committees that will be addressing these plans - with preliminary plans due out March 15.
We are posting three documents that you can take a closer look at:
If you have questions or thoughts related to the survey results, or you would like to be involved in any of the sub-committees, contact Louise Barden, Peter Sherman or any of the sub-committee chairs. We will be keeping you updated on committe progress!
This Friday is the last day to bring NEW socks for the homeless - Dunwoody Diners has been coordinating this effort and will be donating the socks this weekend. Ken Levy is happy to take any new socks you can donate.
Anchor Place is looking for plastic bottle caps - all sizes and colors - to create a beautiful art project with our respite program participants. Save the caps from your milk containers, water and soda bottles, even the caps from vitamin bottles. We'll be collecting these over the next month or two -just bring them Fridays and leave at the check-in desk with Alison.
We have the opportunity to assist in March 17-19 at End Human Trafficking training for law enforcement. The training will be held at the Delta Museum, 1220 Woolman Place, Atlanta. Opportunities include:
This training is all day March 17 and 18 from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm and March 19, 7:30 to 3:00pm. Volunteers may signup with their preferred times and duties. It is not necessary to volunteer for an entire day. A sign-up sheet will be available on Friday. You can also email Louise who will send you the information electronically.
Be sure to vote for your fellow Rotarians in the Appen Media Best of Perimeter Program between now and March 15. Every vote helps plus we want to rebuild our relationship with the Dunwoody Crier and participation here can help in that process! Just go to Best of Perimeter 2025 - Vote now! | appenmedia.com and vote for:
Also look for others that support our club such as Dunwoody Diners locations, Thirsty Thursday venues and gift card providers! For example ... [more]
Our club warmly welcomes Peter Sherman, who joined our ranks in July 2024. Peter brings a wealth of experience as the Managing Partner of Riverwood Associates, a prominent continuous improvement training and consulting firm. His expertise extends globally, having worked in numerous countries, including Canada, Japan, and India.
Rotary is a familiar concept for Peter, as his father was an active Rotarian in Louisville, KY. Fond memories of father-son breakfasts sparked his desire to give back. A long-time neighbor of Fred Brandt, Peter was initially invited to a club breakfast years ago, but the timing wasn't right. Now, Peter is eager to contribute. [more]
Join President Louise and Ron Barden at the Be the Voice gala event on Friday March 21 to celebrate 10 years of success!
As you know, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody is in its first year in the program - partnering with Dunwoody Elementary School. Did you know, however, that the 28 schools in one of Georgia's largest school districts who participate in Be the Voice saw a dramatic decline in bullying from 2021 to 2023. Compared to schools not in the program, there is a 95% reduction in bullying incidents in elementary schools, a 77% reduction in middle schools and a 91% reduction in high schools. Rotarian support is a big reason we have been able to spread our programming throughout the state!
So grab your significant other, put on your dancing shoes and order your tickets today! The event takes place at the Country Club of Roswell. Visit the 10 Year Gala - Be THE Voice website to learn more and get your tickets for an epic night of celebration.
This year, you have the opportunity to attend the first ever joint district conference. If you plan on being there but haven't registered yet, you will want to get that done this week as the rates go up on March 1.
Most of you are accustomed to registering for conference on Rotary6900.org, but this year the conference has its very own website, GeorgiaUnitedDC.com. When you click on the registration button, it takes you to a form on DACdb and many of you don't have a login for DACdb. Not to worry, you can register through DACdb as a guest. Just select the "Guest Registration" tab at the top of the form and follow the prompts to get signed up for our first-ever joint district conference. [more]