Rotary Club of Dunwoody helps 89 families from Kingsley Elementary School by providing Harvest Baskets full of food and treats! Kingsley is a public elementary school in Dunwoody with a student population of 339, over 59% of which are considered economically disadvantaged.
The Rotary Club of Dunwoody serves the international community again in 2025 with funding for Rotary Family Health and Aids Prevention in Ghana - initiated in 2011 by PDG Stephen Mwanje (Uganda) and Dunwoody Rotarian, Marion Bunch of RFHA, includes lifelong immunizations for children, such as polio and measles vaccines and comprehensive life-saving annual screens such as HIV, TB, Malaria, Diabetes, Hypertension and more. The program is growing constantly and now serves over 60,000 every year. Rotary Family Health Days has full backing of Rotary leaders in Ghana, as well as all the Rotary and Rotaract clubs, and contributions from The Rotary Foundation.