Awards and Accolades

We are very proud to share some of the awards and accolades our club and our individual members have achieved.

Rotary International

"Service Above Self"

The purpose of this award is to recognize individual Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service in any form and at any level, with an emphasis on personal volunteer efforts and active involvement in helping others through Rotary. This is Rotary International's highest honor for individual Rotarians.

  • PDG William M. Mulkey 2000-2001
  • Marion Bunch 2001-2002
  • PDG Robert L. Hall 2003-2004

The Rotary Foundation

"Distinguished Service Award"

This award is The Rotary Foundation's highest service recognition. Presented to a Rotarian whose outstanding record of service to The Rotary Foundation is on a much broader basis and spreads beyond the district level and continues over an extended period of time. The Trustees of The Rotary Foundation bestow this honor in recognition of outstanding efforts to promote the Foundation's many programs dedicated to international understanding. It acknowledges the sustained service of a Rotarian who has already received the Citation for Meritorious Service. All nominations are considered on a competitive basis and only fifty Distinguished Service Awards are approved by The Rotary Foundation trustees each year.

  • PDG William M. Mulkey 2004-2005
  • PDG Robert L. Hall 2009-2010

"Citation for Meritorious Service"

The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service recognizes significant and dedicated service by a Rotarian to promote the programs of The Rotary Foundation and thus advance the Foundation's goal of better understanding and friendly relations among people of the world.

  • PDG William M. Mulkey 1998-1999
  • PDG Robert L. Hall 2004-2005
  • PDG William Woulfin 2010-2011

District 6900

"Rotarian of the Year"

This award is in honor of the charter president of the Rotary Club of East Cobb, William E. Carver, Sr., and is presented on behalf of the district and the Rotary Club of East Cob. The award is presented to a Rotarian who exemplifies "Service Above Self" by his or her outstanding work at the District level.

  • Marion Bunch 1997-1998
  • George Stewart 1998-1999
  • Jennie Springer 2000-2001
  • Bill Woulfin 2001-2002
  • Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince 2018-19
  • Loretta Christopher 2020-21

"Sheffield Leadership Award"

Presented by the Rotary Club of Americus in honor of three Past District Governors of the same family from the Rotary Club of Americus. It is awarded on behalf of the district to the club president who exemplifies extraordinary leadership traits and executed their responsibilities in an exceptional manner as judged by the District Governor, the Assistant Governors and confirmed by the president of the Rotary Club of Americus.

  • Fred Brandt 2002-2003
  • Bill Woulfin 2003-2004

DeKalb Rotary Council

"You are the Key"

This award is given in honor of PDG Bob Grant for his many years of leadership and dedicated service to the DeKalb Rotary Council and District 6900. This award is presented to one Rotarian in DeKalb County who has demonstrated dedication and quality of service to a project and/or a program where children, youth or adults have received significant benefit. They set an example of leadership, attitude, enthusiasm and commitment to serving others.

  • Marion Bunch 2000
  • Jennie Springer 2001
  • George Stewart 2001
  • Mike Feeney 2002
  • Fred Brandt 2004
  • Roy Ethridge 2005
  • Jennie Stipick 2009
  • Kathy Brandt 2011

"Show Rotary Cares"

This award is given in honor of PDG Bill Mulkey for this many years of leadership and dedicated service to the DeKalb Rotary Council and District 6900. This award is presented to one Rotarian in each Rotary Club in DeKalb County. Each recipient is recognized for quality commitment to his/her club, community and district. They exhibit a "Show Rotary Cares" attitude folled by action and demonstrate a high level of "showing Rotary cares" in all "Four Avenues of Service".

  • Lisa Petrovich 2001
  • Roy Ethridge 2002
  • Anne Glenn 2003
  • Suzanne Muccino 2004
  • Anne Hayden 2005
  • Barry Rosenberg 2006
  • Laura Kann 2007
  • Michelle Anette 2008
  • Fred Bounds 2009
  • Jim Floyd 2010
  • John Carr 2011

Rotary Club of Dunwoody

Rotary International "Four Avenues of Service" citation for individual Rotarians

Recognizing that the strength of the Rotary ideal is founded on the service carried out by club members worldwide, this citation program provides a means for Rotary clubs to personally recognize a member of the club for outstanding efforts in the four Avenues of Service. The citation commends the service carried by an individual Rotarian in the club, thereby reinforcing the importance which Rotary places on the personal involvement of each member in Rotary service activities.

  • P. Frederick Brandt 1997-1998
  • Michael J. Feeney 1999-2000
  • Jacqueline Cuthbert 2001-2002
  • Frederick W. Bounds 2002-2003
  • Jennie L. Springer 2003-2004
  • Kathleen G. Brandt 2006-2007
  • Jennifer J Stipick 2007-2008
  • Pavittar Singh Safir 2008-2009
  • Anne Glenn 2010-2011

Updated by Jackie Cuthbert
August 14, 2022 3:11 pm

During our first Thirty years of service to the local, national and international community the Rotary Club of Dunwoody has provided the QUALITY OF SERVICE and demonstrated the CHARACTER OF FRIENDSHIP that has resulted in our Rotary Club being recognized by Rotary International District 6900 with the "Best All Around Club" and "Best All Around Club Runner Up" "Club of the Decade" awards listed below.

The BEST of the BEST

  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 1987-1988
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 1989-1990
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 1991-1992
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 1993-1994
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 1994-1995
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 1995-1996
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 1996-1997
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 1997-1998
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 1998-1999
  • CLUB OF THE DECADE 1990-2000
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 2003-2004
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 2004-2005
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 2006-2007
  • BEST ALL AROUND CLUB 2007-2008
  • CLUB OF THE YEAR 2008-2009
  • CLUB OF THE YEAR 2009-2010
  • CLUB OF THE DECADE 2000-2010

2 Years

  • Charlie Augello
  • Patti Bunker
  • Dottie Toney

3 Years

  • Rick Otness
  • Harvey Rosenzweig

4 Years

  • Don Griffing
  • Kelly Hundley

6 Years

  • Laura Kann

7 Years

  • John Carr
  • Sidney Browning
  • Floyd Williams

8 Years

  • Kathy Brandt

9 Years

  • Roy Ethridge

11 Years

  • Susan Schwall

13 Years

  • Cathy Brumfield
  • Jackie Cuthbert

14 Years

  • Larry Hart
  • Buzz Law

15 Years

  • Fred Brandt
  • Anne Glenn
  • George Stewart

16 Years

  • Bill Woulfin

18 Years

  • Jennie Stipick

19 Years

  • Marion Bunch

21 Years

  • Robert Hall

22 Years

  • Lorri Christopher
  • Bill Finch

25 Years

  • Gary Lane

27 Years

  • David Golliher
  • Bill Mulkey

31 Years

  • Teak Pacetti

Updated by Jackie Cuthbert
August 14, 2022 3:15 pm