
GRSP logo

Since our founding in 1984, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody has supported the Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP). This unique Georgia program launched in 1946, with the express purpose of promoting world peace and understanding by creating an environment where college students from around the world and Georgia Rotarians could learn more about each other's cultures.

The Rotary of Dunwoody works with students who will attend Oglethorpe University with a one-year scholarship, room and board through GRSP.

To learn more about the GRSP program, visit

Updated by Jennifer Shumway
August 4, 2022 1:33 pm

When the Georgia Rotary Student Program started in 1946, its founder - Will Watt of the Rotary Club of Thomasville - saw an opportunity to build Peace through Understanding. The Rotarians and Rotary Clubs of Georgia have supported that ever since - with their generous contributions. Dunwoody Rotarians are no exception, and we recognize their support here:

Kendall Weisiger Fellow ( $5,000+ )
William S. Woulfin

Lorri Christopher

Jacqueline Cuthbert

Hue Thomas Fellows ( $ 2,500+ )
Milton L. Baker

William M. Mulkey
William S. Woulfin

Will Watt Fellows ( $1,000+ )
Gordon A. Anderson
David A. Baker
Milton L. Baker
Tisha Baker
C. Douglas Benson
N. Edward Birchfield, Jr.
P. Frederick Brandt
Claude S. Bridges
Marion Bunch
Joseph P. Burke
Loretta Christopher
Edwin W. Clapp
Jahn M. Coppey
Hardy Croom, III
T. Scott Cuthbert
Roy M. Ethridge
Michael J. Feeney
William P. Finch
James M. Floyd
Sally M. Foster
J. Al Friday
H. Edward Godshall
Chris E. Gutschenritter
Robert L. Hall
Larry L. Hamel
Larry R. Hart
Andrew Isakson
Jonathan D. Kaufman
Gary M. Lane
James M. Lemon
George Martin
Karen D. Mashburn
Patrick F. McMahon
Robert A. Mingus
Beverly J. Mulkey
William M. Mulkey
Grier G. Newlin
Barry Rosenberg
Pavittar Safir
Edwards B. Shaver
Dr. Jennie L. Springer
George A. Stewart
Theresa A. Theisen
Jacquelyn M. Ward
Anthony Lee Watts
J. Lang Wooddy
R. Douglas Wright
William S. Woulfin
J. Randolph Zook

GRSP Benefactors
Larry R. Hart
Sally Foster
William M. Mulkey
William S. Woulfin

Updated by Jackie Cuthbert
August 14, 2022 3:17 pm

Each year, Dunwoody Rotarians host a weekend for the current Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) class focused on building future leaders ... One Person, One Group Making a Difference. Most of the weekend's activities take place at Oglethorpe University, with:

  • Communication skill-building
  • A hands-on service project - Paintfest - in partnership with the Foundation for Hospital Art
  • The opportunity to talk with Rotarians and other individuals whose vision and service efforts have made a difference in the community and the world
  • A Sunday morning session where the students begin to plan for a service project they can do with funding from Rotary. You can see more about those projects at

The weekend is a Family of Rotary event - with Rotarians providing housing and fellowship for the students. It takes place on the Martin Luther King holiday weekend. For the 2022-2023 Rotary year, Jackie Cuthbert leads our efforts!

Updated by Jennifer Shumway
August 4, 2022 1:35 pm


The Rotary Club of Dunwoody in cooperation with the Botswana Book Project and with support from the North Atlanta Rotary Club, District 6900, and District 6990 provides funding for the Rotary Club of Gaborone to give 60,000 dictionaries to every student in Forms 1-4 (ages range from 8 to 12 years) in the Greater Gaborone area during 2011-2012. This Dictionary Project begins the process of providing one book as a key English language learning tool for each student. The initial Dictionary Project will be sustained by a formal teacher and pupil Learning Program, guided by a Manual with lesson plans, continued teacher training sessions, and a dictionary recycling program at the end of each school year.

In cooperation with the District 9110, District 6900, the Rotary Club of Northlake, and the Rotary Club of Decatur, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody provides funding for the installation and maintenance of water and sanitation facilities for 12 schools in the Lagos and Ogun States of Nigeria. These new facilities will improve and protect the health of both students and staff in these schools and the broader community.

**Past Event**

The Rotary Foundation's Group Study Exchange (GSE) program is a unique cultural and vocational exchange opportunity for businesspeople and professionals between the ages of 25 and 40 who are in the early stages of their careers. The program provides travel grants for teams to exchange visits in paired areas of different countries. For four to six weeks, team members experience the host country's culture and institutions, observe how their vocations are practiced abroad, develop personal and professional relationships, and exchange ideas. In a typical four-week tour, applicants participate in five full days of vocational visits, 15 to 20 club presentations, 10 to 15 formal visits and social events, two to three days at the district conference, three to four hours per day of cultural and site tours, and three to four hours per day of free time with host families. During the 2011-2012 Rotary year, District 6900 and the Rotary Club of Dunwoody will be helping to host a GSE team from Brazil.

GSE Brochure information

The GSE Team Leader role is from a Rotarian in good standing. The application for Rotary Team Leaders may be found at and should have the approval of the Club President.

GSE Team Member Qualifications:

US citizen, ages 25 - 40 who lives or works within District 6900 (metro Atlanta and south and west to Florida border.)

Employed full-time & intending to remain in work force

Open-minded, tolerant, with good communication skills

Rotaract members are eligible

Rotarians, their spouses and direct relatives are NOT eligible

Portuguese speaking, encouraged

Endorsement of a Rotary Club in District 6900. See to find a Club near you.

After reviewing the GSE application information, please contact a nearby Rotary Club or a Rotarian to visit a nearby Rotary Club and ask about the program. The GSE Team Member application may be found at:

Team Leader and Team Member applications are due to Rotary District 6900 by October 15. Both require an advance Rotary Club approval and sponsorship. Team Leader and Team Member selection is a competitive process, and applicant finalists will be selected for a personal interview. Those interviews will be held on a Saturday, October 29 in Atlanta.

Updated by Jennifer Shumway
August 4, 2022 1:37 pm