Interested in Membership?

If you’re considering membership in the Rotary Club of Dunwoody. We like to have you visit our club at least twice before considering the membership process, so you can learn more about Rotary and we can get to know you. This could include: 

  • A Friday morning meeting
  • Our once-a-month Thirsty Thursday - generally the third Thursday of the month in lieu of a Friday meeting. 

Check out our calendar and join us. You can also email our Membership Director at

What are the Qualifications for Membership?

Prospective members must:

  • Hold (or be retired from) a professional, proprietary, executive, managerial, or community position
  • Have demonstrated a commitment to service through personal involvement
  • Be able to meet the club’s attendance or community project participation requirement
  • Uphold the financial requirements of membership.

A member of the club is eager to meet with you to explain these qualifications in greater detail. Thank you for your interest in the Rotary Club of Dunwoody!

Ready to Join?

If you think you're ready to become a Dunwoody Rotarian, contact our Membership Director at, or ask any member about joining. Once you have a sponsor, you complete an application for your sponsor to submit to the club’s membership committee. You must be sponsored or proposed for membership by a Rotarian.

Find out more about becoming a Rotarian and the responsibilities of membership.

Updated by Jackie Cuthbert
August 14, 2022 3:15 pm