This provides easy access to Rotary Club of Dunwoody documents you may need - from our service opportunities guide to expense request forms, copies of Board meeting minutes, our operating and charitable fund budgets, our club constitution and by-laws and more. If you don't see a document you are looking for, contact our Club Secretary.
These documents are used for internal purposes.
Dunwoody Rotary has a long history of making a difference for each other, the local community and the world.
This Opportunity Resource Guide provides a summary of many of the ways you can become involved in the work of Dunwoody Rotary. Feel free to contact the Project Chair if you want to volunteer or get more information.
There are more opportunities. We will continue to update this Guide; please ask if there’s something you’d like to do that you don’t see here. Together we can engage The Magic of Rotary to make a positive difference in the local community and the world.
When an external entity requests a club document please use the ones in this area.
These are the up-to-date, official forms used by members of the club.