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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

May 20, 2020


May is Youth Service Month

5/21 Virtual Thirsty Thursday via Zoom 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
5/22 No Friday Zoom Meeting - Join Us for Thirsty Thursday!
5/29 Alan Mothner, CEO, Spruill Center ... Via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

5/4 Lorri Christopher
5/20 Tina Philpot


5/4 Jennie Stipick (12)
5/11 Hoshi Daruwalla (12)
5/27 Jack Francisco (12)
5/28 Bob O'Brien (43)
5/29 Mike Shortal (124)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
President-Elect Ardy Bastien
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

No Meeting This Week
Join Us on Zoom for Thirsty Thursday

Join us for this week's social gathering tomorrow night - Thursday, May 21, between 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm. Then sleep in a bit on Friday morning if you'd like as there is no Dunwoody Rotary meeting this week. We'll be back to Zoom next Friday, May 29 with Alan Mothner, CEO of the Spruill Center.

All you need to join the Thursday fun is your computer, a camera (many are built right into the computer) and your microphone. Just go straight to https://zoom.us/j/700537258 to join the fun! Or, if you have the Zoom app on your phone or computer already, you can click Join Meeting Now and type in the meeting ID - 700 537 258. And, just a reminder - no beverage service or snacks, so bring your own and join us.

Editor's Note: These foam flowers and fern are from President Cathie's garden - where we hope to gather sometime this summer.

Opportunity to Serve During Pandemic
Join Red Cross Blood Drive on June 9

To help ensure we have adequate blood supplies during this pandemic, Philip Cohen is sponsoring a Red Cross blood drive on Tuesday, June 9 next door to his State Farm office at 2090 Dunwoody Club Drive, Suite 118, Atlanta, GA 30350 - from 11 am to 4 pm. You can register to give blood - and see the eligibility requirements at http://fw.to/uvq7OWk

Editor's Note: Philip has also been busy making protective face shields for Georgia hospitals - he has delivered 100 so far (50 to Emory and 50 to Phoebe in Albany) and will be delivering 50 to Athens soon. Thanks Philip for your Service Above Self.

Dunwoody's First Service Above Self Scholarship Awarded

We are pleased to announce that Dunwoody High School (DHS) senior Melanie Smith has been unanimously selected to receive the club's first Service Above Self scholarship. Ed Holliday and Tina Philpott worked with Mary Sturken, the DHS teacher who works with our Interact Club, to review the applications and essays received, and all agreed that Melanie was our best choice among several applicants to receive this scholarship that's intended to recognize and inspire Service Above Self.

Melanie is the President of the DHS Interact Club and has been serving the community for several years - including participation in the VolunTeen and Holiday Helper programs at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Rise Against Hunger, the Intown Collaborative Ministries Food Pantry, Special Olympics and the Dunwoody Nature Center's Butterfly Festival. She attended the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) in Americus, learning leadership techniques she says will be part of the rest of her life.

Melanie will be attending the University of Georgia and hopes to be a Child Life Specialist or Occupational Therapist at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. She will receive a $2,000 scholarship that can be renewed for up to another three years. We thank her for her service and wish her the best for the future.

We hope to have Melanie join us at a meeting some time soon.

Memorial Day Commemorations
Join a Virtual Tribute to Our Veterans

The city of Alpharetta and the Rotary Club of Alpharetta will host a Virtual Memorial Day Tribute on Monday, May 25, at 9 a.m.

The ceremony will feature a combination of live and recorded content that will be live-streamed from Brooke Street Park behind Alpharetta City Hall. The public is invited to tune into the program virtually at http://www.youtube.com/alpharettagov.

“While we are observing Memorial Day in a very different way this year due to social distancing, we knew it was important to provide a way for our community to honor the heroes who gave their lives to protect this great nation and the freedoms we all enjoy," Mayor Jim Gilvin said. "This year, I hope even more people will have the opportunity to join us virtually for this very special tribute.” [more]

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