Anchor Place Respite-Dunwoody

Rotary Club of Dunwoody was the driving force behind establishing Anchor Place Respite-Dunwoody, the only low cost, social recreational program for the victims of Alzheimer's and other dementias, which gives caregivers time to attend to their personal needs.  Happy New Year, Anchor Place Volunteers! ?
Wow, what an amazing launch year we had in 2024. By the numbers, together we:
  • Hosted 1 fabulous community event in April that garnered enthusiasm for our first participants, volunteers, and other supporters.
  • Trained 40+ volunteers to serve people living with dementia with compassion, safety, and dignity.
  • Provided 52 days of inclusive & fun social-recreational respite day programming for our neighbors living with dementia.
  • Provided caregivers with over 1,000 hours of rest & relief from the demands of caregiving.
  • Served over 1,700 volunteer hours in direct respite day programming. Probably triple or quadruple those hours given in planning, administration, community relations, renovation, meal prep, facility work, etc.
  • Raised tens of thousands of dollars via grants, civic & faith group donations, Oktoberfest art auction, and individual donations.
We have many exciting things planned for 2025 and I cannot thank you enough for all the big & small ways you have contributed to what the numbers cannot quantify -- creating a community centered on love, learning, and joy.

Attached are a couple of "scrapbook" pages capturing our December 2024.

Sign Up Genius is now open through January. Please go ahead and schedule your days -- it really helps us plan! 

To clarify a recent question, if you are receiving this email, you have cleared our onboarding process, including a background check, and can sign up to volunteer. If you haven't joined us for a respite day yet, please use one of the "First Time" slots.

We'll be off for the MLK holiday on Monday, January 20th. 

NEXT VOLUNTEER TRAINING - Tuesday, Feb 4, 10am-12noon
Do you know a family member, neighbor, or friend who might be interested in joining our fabulous volunteer team? Please pass along our website and the information about our next volunteer training. If you can help us spread the word to your faith or civic community, please do. I am happy to speak to anyone personally or provide text/images for any sort of newsletter/bulletin announcement.
Partner Involvement
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church provides space, access to kitchen, administrative support, and helps recruit volunteers.