Fourth of July
Join President Louise and DG Gordon Owens for a Family of Rotary Celebration!

Take to the streets of Dunwoody this Friday for the 4th of July Celebration. It's the kick-off to what's plan as an irresistible year for the Rotary Club of Dunwoody, filled with fun and making a difference in our community and around the world. And we'll be joined this Thursday by our new District Governor Gordon Owens, his wife Ashley and Gordon's parents - most likely at our hot dog stand. We're likely to spot Ashley's parents too - our own George and Amy Stewart.

Parade Walkers:

This year’s parade will feature over 100 entries. This year’s parade will feature over 100 entries. Please plan to meet at All Saints' Church, 2443 Mt Vernon Rd between 7:45 and 8:15am. Please arrive on time. Note that there is no drop-off or parking in the assembly areas; only parade vehicles are allowed. Our float will have a balloon arch, and we will use our early arrival time to attach balloons on the day of the parade. Streets close at 8:30 AM, so late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Suggested parking areas are Kroger Shopping Plaza, Williamsburg Shopping Plaza, or use carpool/Uber.

The parade will end in the Dunwoody Village area. You may want to park a car at the Publix across from Dunwoody Village or any available space nearby.

Hot Dog Stand:

The start time is 9 AM. Volunteers will work in shifts. Please contact Ed Holiday at eholliday1031@gmail.com for arrival times and meet-up details.

Cookie bakers are still needed. Please package cookies in snack bags for sale at our hot dog stand.

A Note for All Volunteers:

Please dress comfortably and wear your blue Rotary shirt or red, white, and blue

Photo from the Archives: While this year's float celebrates our 40th anniversary as a Rotary Club, in 2011 a running Uncle Sam donned the float as we celebrated "the freedom to serve others" and passed out flyers to promote our RunDunwoody fundraiser. A few hours after the parade in 2011, Uncle Sam was the victim of a fierce downpour - this year's weather looks more promising (hot and sunny).

Posted by Paula Shiver
July 2, 2024


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