Join President Louise and Ron Barden at the Be the Voice gala event on Friday March 21 to celebrate 10 years of success!
As you know, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody is in its first year in the program - partnering with Dunwoody Elementary School. Did you know, however, that the 28 schools in one of Georgia's largest school districts who participate in Be the Voice saw a dramatic decline in bullying from 2021 to 2023. Compared to schools not in the program, there is a 95% reduction in bullying incidents in elementary schools, a 77% reduction in middle schools and a 91% reduction in high schools. Rotarian support is a big reason we have been able to spread our programming throughout the state!
So grab your significant other, put on your dancing shoes and order your tickets today! The event takes place at the Country Club of Roswell. Visit the 10 Year Gala - Be THE Voice website to learn more and get your tickets for an epic night of celebration.