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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

February 5, 2020


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/7 Anne Hallum, Air Guatemala
2/14 Michael Cowan- Executive Directory, Dunwoody Nature Center- What's Next?
2/20 Leap into Rotary Thirsty Thursday Membership Social- 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm- Marlow's Tavern
2/21 No meeting - Join us for Thirsty Thursday instead!

Our Rotary Family

2/3 Dr. John E. Carr
2/4 Laura Kann
2/8 Tim Le
2/10 Eleni Bafas
2/13 Joseph Ransom
2/27 Bob O'Brien


2/4 Erica Brown (3)
2/14 Erich Schuetz (43)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
President-Elect Ardy Bastien
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

This Week's Speaker
Anne Hallum, AIR Guatemala

Anne with AIR school students in Comalapa

Dr. Anne Hallum founded the Alliance for International Reforestation (“AIR”) after she felt called to this work during her first trip to Guatemala with Stetson University. Since 1993, AIR has been tackling hunger, rural education needs, and environmental devastation in over 250 communities—offering long-term solutions through education and tree-planting micro-businesses.

In 2017, AIR was one of the winners of the prestigious Equator Prize for Sustainable Development from the UN in New York City.AIR was also honored with the “Momentum for Change” Award from the UN convention in Poland, as well as, numerous national awards in Guatemala, and CNN Heroes in 2011.

Anne received her doctorate from Vanderbilt, and she taught environmental politics at Stetson University in Florida for 26 years before moving to Dunwoody in 2012 to work full-time (non-salaried) for AIR.

AIR’s website:www.AIRGuatemala.org

Service Opportunities
Laws of Life Essay Contest Reviewers Needed; Help Request for Atlanta Mission's Race to End Homelessness

Laws of Life: Rotarian George Stewart is looking for volunteers to read the high school essays that have been submitted for this year's Rotary-sponsored Laws of Life essay contest. Reviews start next week. You can see the dates and sign up at https://georgialawsoflife.org/volunteer/. As a reminder, our weekly scholarship drawing raises money to sponsor this program.

Atlanta Mission's Race to End Homelessness: Rotarian Erica Brown is looking for volunteers and encouraging runners for the Atlanta Mission's Race to End Homelessness on February 22. There are thousands of men, women, and children in Metro Atlanta who face the perilous conditions of winter without a roof over their heads. Last year, Atlanta Mission served over 6,800 of these individuals. How can you help?

  • You can join the “Race Crew” volunteers to help with day-of registration, packet pick-up, race course, finish line, and more.
  • You can run the 5K race. If you do, your registration fee for the race will cover one night of warm, safe shelter, nutritious meals, job attainment services, counseling, and the opportunity to choose help for a homeless man, woman, or child in Atlanta this winter for someone who would otherwise spend the night in the cold, on the streets.

You can sign up as a volunteer or a runner at https://race.atlantamission.org/ - if you have questions, contact Erica at 404-632-8583.

Governors Ball
Help Us Party for a Purpose and Join the Mardi Gras Fun - March 28, 2020

This year's Governor's Ball will take place on March 28 at the Dunwoody Country Club! As we all know, this is our major fundraiser to support our good work in the community and around the world! We need your help in a variety of ways:

  1. Plan to attend and bring your friends. This year's theme is Mardi Gras - Party for a Purpose. We've hired a great band and plan to put on a night of fun activities! Check your email for the invitation and forward it on to your invited guests!
  2. Promote our raffle - to your friends and families, and by asking your hairdresser, favorite restaurants and merchants to display a poster. Thanks to the generosity of Northside Hospital, we have a great opportunity to raise up to $12,500 through this year's Governor's Ball raffle. We are offering private box seats at State Farm Arena for the Harry Styles concert on July 29 - including food and parking passes. Harry Edward Styles is a 25-year old British singer, songwriter and actor with a net worth estimated at $85 million in 2018. His second album - Fine Line - released in 2019 broke record as the biggest sales debut from an English male artist in the US. We will only be selling 500 tickets - at $25/ticket - and participants will have a chance to win one of three prizes - the first two for four tickets each and the third for two tickets. It's easy to purchase tickets - anyone can go to dunwoodyrotary.org/lottery/3
  3. Make donations to our silent or live auctions - vacation homes, wine, restaurant and merchant gift certificates, let your imagination be the guide!

Fellowship Opportunity
Leap Into Rotary: Special February 20 Membership Social on Thirsty Thursday!

Mark your calendar and join us at Marlow’s Tavern on 2/20/20 starting at 5:30 pm for a very special Thirsty Thursday membership social. Equally important - bring a friend, family member or business associate who you'd like to introduce to the Rotary Club of Dunwoody! It's our part of a special Rotary Zone 34 "Leap Into Rotary" membership initiative. Events will be taking place across Georgia, Florida and throughout the Caribbean on a date near Leap Day to introduce new people to the value of Rotary!

For this event, the club will buy you and any potential member a drink. Hors d’oeuvres will also be provided by the club.

We plan to advertise this event - and to display information on our activities and projects in the community. As members, you can help share the story of having fun together as we work to make our community even better. Invite your family, friends and prospective Rotarians to join us. Let’s all Leap into Rotary this leap year.

Please contact Cathie Brumfield 404 668 6693 with any questions or if you'd like to help tell Rotary's story that evening.

Member Spotlight
Learn a Little More about Charlie Augello

Charles Augello is the youngest of four children, all first generation Italian/American born to parents who immigrated to the United States from Castrofilippo, Sicily in 1912. Charlie married Anita Sandroni in 1961 and they have raised four/children Charles, Andrea, Erica and Claudia and have nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren

Charlie graduated from St. Agnes Elementary School, Queens Vocational High School and RCA Institute of Technology with a degree in electrical engineering and design. He spent 24 years in the electronic industry in sales, marketing and manufacturing with Erie Technological Products (ETP). Some of the highpoints during this career were working on systems relating to the Gemini and Apollo Lunar Space Program, part owner in a electronic company and then becoming VP in Sales and Marketing. ETP then merged with Murata Electronics based in Kyoto, Japan with US headquarters in Marietta. Charlie's sales responsibilities enabled him to travel throughout the US, Europe and the Far East.

Over the years, Charlie has been active in various community organizations, including serving as Chairman of West Milford, NJ Industrial Commission, President of West Milford Jaycees and President of LaSocieta Italiana of Atlanta. He is currently a Dunwoody Rotarian and Board Member of the Dunwoody Convention and Visitors Bureau.

After several corporate moves, Charlie settled with his family in Sandy Springs in 1981. In 1986 Charlie and his wife Anita established the E. 48th Street Market, Italian Food Specialties in Dunwoody, Georgia. Thirty-three years later, the Market continues to be operated by family members and has become a local landmark and destination for Italian grocery, deli meats, baked goods, Italian bread and a large selection of Italian wines while continuing to draw customers for lunch and dinner. And the Market, its customers and Charlie's family have supported a variety of community initiatives - including the USO, the Dunwoody Police Foundation, Kingsley Elementary, the fight against human trafficking and other Dunwoody Rotary projects.

When asked why he is a Rotarian, Charlie said, "Being a local retail business with great support from the community, Rotary enabled us to give back to both the local community as well as people in need around the world."

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