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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"


Club Calendar

June is Rotary Fellowships Month

7/13 Allen Vance - LTC GSDF
7/20 Tony Barnhart - Mr College Football
7/27 Marvin O. (Dell) Spry - Retired FBI
8/3 Rick Grave de Peralta - FBI, Dark Web

Our Rotary Family

6/2 Gary Lane
6/9 Helen Sempira
6/12 Jeffrey Priluck
6/14 Gijs Korremans
6/21 Patti Bunker
6/25 Hoshi Daruwalla
6/27 Lang Wooddy
6/28 Russell Reams
6/30 Deb Cameron


6/24 Ardy Bastien
6/2 Jackie Cuthbert
6/17 Carter Stout
6/4 Andrew Kaiser
6/7 George Stewart, Jr.
6/15 Chris Gutschenritter
6/21 Susan Schwall
6/22 John Hall
6/23 John Carr
6/27 Dabney Daniel
6/27 Kathy Brandt
6/27 Fred Brandt
6/24 Charlie Augello

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs April 25, 1984
Active Membership: 91 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Rick Otness
President-Elect Rick Woods
Secretary Mike Parks
Treasurer Lawrence Domenico

​Club adopts Modifications to

Declaration of Trust

In a close vote (48/0) the club approved the recommended changes to the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund's Declaration. The Declaration governs our Charitable Fund, laying out what we can do , and the procedures that we must follow. The Declaration is reviewed every 10 years, and recommendations are made to change the document to prune things that are no longer applicable, while allowing additions for new features that the DRCF is thought to need.

Most of the document remains unchanged. Some of the key changes made were:

1.Changed recommended funding rule for budgeting purposes to be 5% of corpus plus net funds raised during the preceding fiscal year.

2.No longer require that the Trustees be bonded (haven't done this for at least 10 year)

3.If a Trustee resigns from Club must also resign as a Trustee

4.Changed review policy to be 1 and 3 years rather than 1 and 5 years (also dropped outside audit, but requires non board/non trustees to comprise the audit team)

5.Process to call meetings of Trustees

6.Process to insure Board authorized expenditures comply with rules governing 501c3 entities.

​Thank you from President Rick Otness

It has been an honor to lead this Club over the past 12 months. You truly embody "Service above self". We have had a very full year, trying lots of new things and saying goodbye to others. The Club is at least as well off as when I assumed the Presidency, and in many ways may be better.

We couldn't have done it without the selfless efforts and patience of each of you.

New things tried,


·Placards announcing speakers and volunteer activities

·PowerPoint loop at beginning of weekly meeting to keep you posted

·Text messaging to alert members of change in meeting location, and activities

·Did survey and small group discussions


·had fewer meeting (43 instead of the typical 48)

·Met 14 times at alternative venues (33% of the weekly meetings)

·End of year Awards cocktail Party instead of a Dinner

·Chose a new venue (Fleming's)

·Held two Club Assembles

oexplore new Fund raising opportunities

orevision of the DRCF Declaration and the revision of the Strategic Plan

Fiscal actions

·revised the Declaration of Trust (the governing document for operation of the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund)

·Reviewed financial procedures of Club and DRCF

·Ran a huge Club deficit due to the need to find lower cost meeting venue (let's not do this one again)

·Reviewed Club spending to identify vital Club expenditures

·Undertook a Polio fund raising drive that raised in excess of $40,000 before including the 2:1 match by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Social Activities

·Thirsty Thursdays

·Family of Rotary events with service projects

oPicnic (Feed Hungry Kids)

oPumpkin carving (creating arbor memorial garden)

New initiatives

·Evaluated multiple potential fund raising efforts, and decided to embrace a Community BBQ.

·Made a special effort to raise money for Polio

·Embraced Rotary Youth Exchange program, sending 2 outbound students, and receiving one inbound student.

Thank you for all your efforts. and congratulations on a great year. Your efforts have made "life a little better" for many people locally and across the world.

Strategic Plan reviewed by Club

At our Club Assembly on 06/22/18, Jennie Stipick and the rest of the Strategic review team moderated a discussion of the team's recommendations for revisions to the Club's 5 year strategic plan. There were several excellent suggestions made by the membership that will be incorporated into the Strategic plan. They are:

1.inclusion of all six pillars of RI in the Mission portion of the Mission, Values and Vision statement.

2.Clarify whether networking and vocational goals are to be approached gradually over the next 5 years, or done one week each month starting on July 1, 2018 .

The team plans to issue a revised copy of the strategic plan, which the Club will vote on in early July.

We have a new member

Last Friday (06/22/18) we had the pleasure of officially welcoming J Griffin (Griff) Ransom as our newest member. He is native of Georgia (born in Rome, GA), a resident of Dunwoody, and an avid sailor. He has a BBA in international Business from UGA. He has experience in both residential and commercial construction, and is currently employed with Obsidian Construction.

Griff is married to long time member Dottie Toney Ransom. Between Dottie and Griff, they have 10 grandchildren, apparently one more than Charlie Augello, his sponsor.

Election of Zone 34 Representative for Nominating Committee.

This Friday (06/29/18) we will vote on who should become Zone 34's representative on the RI Nominating Committee. Our own Robert Hall is running, as is John Smarge from SRotary Club of Naples. I think I know who our Club wants, but we are required to formally vote as a Club. For those that want to look at bios go to


​Reimbursement requests for FY 2018 are due

We are trying to close out the books for FY 2018. If you have any receipts you are holding for reimbursement, please fill out a check authorization, scan the authorization with receipts, and send them to Rick Otness (otness_r@mindspring.com).

​Thirsty Thursday

For those keeping count Thirsty Thursday had another fun meet up with 11 Rotarians (and a few friends) having drinks at the Dunwoody Tavern. There was interesting conversations, people got an early look at the Community BBQ poster, and were able to find out all the "super secret stuff" that the rest of you had to wait until Friday morning to learn. So if you want to be in the know a bit early, and enjoy a casual drink (or two), you should definitely plan on coming to the next Thirsty Thursday, which is tentatively scheduled for the final Thursday in July (07/26/18).



Send your Newsletter submission to:


Our Club's Weekly Newsletter typically consists of:

·Speaker bio

·New Member Name(s)

·Featured article(s) (regarding events, service projects, or on-going topics general club administrative items, etc..).

·Foundation initiatives or other topics of interest to Members and with value for our Club archives.

·Announcements (seeking volunteers, advertising service projects, etc.)

·For Your Calendar (Club and other activities we encourage members and/or their spouses to attend, including Family of Rotary events

·Member News (birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments, Caring Hands)

Please keep in mind key components to include with your submission:

·Title of your article

·Description of the activity

·Dates, Time, Location, deadline, etc... (especially for upcoming events)

·Key Points of Contact Information and/or a link to reference website for details

·Names and/or headcount of Rotarians (and others) participating,

·The reaction of those benefiting and the numbers of those benefiting.


Please also tell me the number of weeks would you like the article published.
Finally, the deadline for articles to run in the current week are Mondays by 5 p.m.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me!

Thank you!
Tania López

