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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

May 15, 2019


May is Youth Service Month

5/17 Mathilde Illum, GRSP - Thank you RCD
5/24 No meeting - Memorial Day
5/31 Kewalin Chaichanawitchakit (Mink), Rotary Youth Exchange - Thank You Dunwoody
6/7 A guest from the Atlanta Mission

Our Rotary Family

5/3 Michael Wilensky
5/4 Lorri Christopher
5/7 Tom Lashway
5/17 Craig Gregozeski
5/20 Tina Philpot


5/4 Jennie Stipick (11)
5/11 Hoshi Daruwalla (11)
5/27 Jack Francisco (11)
5/28 Bob O'Brien (42)
5/29 Mike Shortal (123)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Rick Woods
President-Elect Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Ron Barden
Secretary Ardy Bastien
Membership Bob Freeman
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Bulletin Editor Tania Lopez

This Week's Speaker
Mathilde Illum, Thank You RCD for This GRSP Year

This Friday, Mathilde Illum will share some of her experiences as a student at Oglethorpe University and a member of the GRSP class of 2018-19. We might even hear a little about her spring road trip to Florida with her mom, her aunt, her grandma and her cousin Katherina, who is also here as a GRSP student this year. Mathilde finished classes this week, but is staying on to travel a bit, see some parts of Atlanta she's missed, and participate in our American Fourth of July. Then it's home to catch up with friends and family, and get ready for university in Denmark next fall.

Lorri Christopher and I have enjoyed this year as Mathilde's host parents - and will remember a lot including her love of movies, baking, flower-making and anything related to crafts. We also appreciate her involvement in club activities - including working at the Dunwoody Nature Center Butterfly Festival and the fall BBQ; helping label books for Dresden and Kingsley in December, and donating Danish items for the Governors' Ball.

​Thirsty Thursday - May 16

Marlow’s Tavern 5:30 pm

Join us this week - May 16 - for Thirsty Thursday at Marlow’s Tavern. It's a great opportunity to share ideas and fellowship over a cold beer or a glass of wine with fellow Rotarians! We look forward to seeing you there.

Where: Marlow’s Tavern, 1317 Dunwoody Village Parkway, Suite 102, Dunwoody, 30338

When: Thursday, May 16 at 5:30 PM

Questions: Cathie Brumfield, cell 404 668 6693

Thanks to Our Hard-Working Arts Festival Ambassadors

Rain or shine, it's good to know you can count on Dunwoody Rotarians to be there to help! And it was great to have visibility for the Rotary Club of Dunwoody at this large community event. We had at least 23 people involved in the Club's support for this event (our 10th year and the festival's 10th year in Dunwoody). The next largest "group" that we saw was the Chick-fil-A Cows - as seven marched through the crowd early Saturday afternoon.

Our pre-dawn crew on Saturday morning included Fred and Kathy Brandt, Fred Bounds, Jennifer Bowler, Deb Cameron, Jackie Cuthbert, Larry Domenico, Chris Gutschenritter, Rick Otness, Teak Pacetti, Michael Parks, Jeff Rosen, Erich Schuetz, Claudio Segura and Rick Woods. This group welcomed artists and helped with volunteer registration. Many an artist thanked this group for their help with unloading and set-up, and said the Dunwoody Arts Festival was one of their favorites because of the cheerful helpers (us!).

On Saturday and Sunday, our "ambassadors to the community" shared the story of Dunwoody Rotary with many festival attendees. Thanks to Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince, Jackie Cuthbert, Kathy Brandt and Mike Parks for setting up the booth, and to Jeannette and Jackie, Fred Brandt, Bob Freeman, Ken Levy, Cathie Brumfield, Kobelah Bennah, Ed Holliday and Bill Kelly for staffing the booth at various times during the weekend. Ardy Bastien coordinated all our volunteers for the Dunwoody booth.

Finally, thanks to Kobelah for coordinating our team that helped artists pack up on Sunday afternoon!

You Can Make a Difference at Camp Corral - Volunteer Opportunity

On Thursday, June 13, we have an opportunity to help at Camp Corral - held at Camp Twin Lakes near Winder, Georgia. The mission of Camp Corral is to transform the lives of children of wounded, injured, ill, and fallen military heroes by providing a unique summer camp experience. In 2019, Camp Corral will serve more than 3,000 campers in 19 locations around the country.

June and I have provided scholarships for children to attend Camp Corral. Now, RCD has an opportunity to serve ice cream to the 150 campers/staff as part of their June 13 dinner.

We need 5-10 volunteers for the evening - we're asked to arrive by 5:30 pm (it's a little over an hour to get there), get a quick tour, have dinner at 6:15 then serve ice cream, We should leave about 7:30 pm and be home about 9 pm.

It's a great chance to say thank you to our active miitary, veterans and their families for their sacrifice.

Let me know if you would like to help.

DHS Band Trailer Reflects Dunwoody Rotary Support

This Rotary year, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody has provided considerable support to our long-time partner, Dunwoody High School. One way we did that - the purchase of a band trailer. Our name will always be associated with that trailer. In addition, we made a contribution toward stadium lights for the high school football field, and we have sponsored the Interact Club and the Laws of Life Essay contest.

Celebrate a Happy New Year in July

For many years, the Dunwoody Fourth of July parade has been a Dunwoody Family of Rotary Event - whether Rotarians and their families walked in the parade, helped build the float, worked in our hot dog booth, or just to stopped by and say Happy Birthday USA and Happy New Year Rotary! Mark your calendar now for the July 4 celebration in Dunwoody … the parade will celebrate Dunwoody's 10th year as a city and the club will celebrate 35 years of Connecting the World and the start of a new Rotary year! The photos here show Fourth of July's past - from our 25th anniversary book!

Our new members over the past year - supported by Past Presidents Jennie Stipick and Jackie Cuthbert, will be building a float and we hope many of you will help with float building and consider walking in the parade. We will also be putting a new face on our food booth and will need volunteers there - more details soon!

For the moment, save the date! And get ready to celebrate a good old-fashioned Fourth of July with your Family of Rotary.

Save the Date - June 27 at the Dunwoody Country Club

Plan to join us for a social event on Thursday evening, June 27 at the Dunwoody Country Club, where we will

  • Raise another glass to the Rotary Club of Dunwoody and our 35-year history of making a difference
  • Celebrate and say goodbye to the current Rotary year under the leadership of President Rick and his Board of Directors.
  • Welcome in Cathie Brumfield as our 2019-20 President, as we install our new officers and directors for next year.

It's a great opportunity for fun, food and fellowship - and we hope that you and your guest will join us. We will have appetizers and each attendee will receive a coupon good for one drink.

Watch for more details in the coming weeks.
