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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

August 21, 2019


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/23 Larry Schall, President, Oglethorpe University
8/30 No meeting - Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!
9/6 Billy Grogan, Chief of Police, Dunwoody
9/13 Michael Starling, City of Dunwoody Development Update

Our Rotary Family

8/2 George Stewart, Jr.
8/4 William Thiele
8/14 Cathie Brumfield
8/15 Jack Francisco
8/17 Charlie Augello
8/23 Andrew Kaiser
8/30 Bob Freeman


8/2 William Grogan (39)
8/3 Deb Cameron (28)
8/9 Terry Nall (33)
8/12 Marion Bunch (41)
8/19 Mike Parks (2)
8/20 Ron Barden (52)
8/29 Buzz Law (11)
8/31 Rick Woods (18)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

This Week's Speaker
Larry Schall, President, Oglethorpe University

Lawrence M. Schall, J.D., Ed.D. was elected the 16th president of Oglethorpe University in March 2005 and assumed office on June 23, 2005. He is the currently the longest serving sitting university president in Georgia. In April 2019, Schall announced he will step down in June 2020, following 15 years of service.

Under Schall’s leadership, Oglethorpe has entered an era of growth and innovation. The university has more than doubled net assets while reducing total debt by 51%; increased annual revenues by 150%; increased the endowment by 157%; grown enrollment by 50.8%; established strategic entrepreneurial partnerships; and, experienced historic levels of philanthropic giving, with more than $130 million raised since Schall took office. [more]

Thanks for Your Service
Lucky 13 Serve as Bus Drivers for Dunwoody Nature Center Butterfly Festival

Thanks to 13 of our finest, the thousands of attendees at this year's Dunwoody Nature Center Butterfly Festival were lucky enough to have a ride from the festival's offsite parking lot to the Nature Center. This was Dunwoody's eighth year of providing drivers for this Saturday event, and just one of the many things we have done over the years to support the Nature Center. You can go all the way back to the late 1990s to find the Dunwoody Family of Rotary helping with fall clean-up, and many of those same people (including Hoshi's kids and President Cathie's mom) in the early 2000s to paint the main Nature Center building inside and out! We have helped out with summer camp on occasion and with ushering for summer concerts. Several members - including President Cathie and Immediate Past President Rick - have served on the Nature Center's Board of Directors.

This weekend, our volunteers included Kathy Brandt, Bob Freeman, Chris Gutschenritter, Bill Kelly, John Mills, Terry Nall, Bob O'Brien, Rick Otness, Jim Riticher, Erich Schuetz, Jennie Stipick, Rick and Marilyn Woods, and soon-to-be member Josh Podczervinski.

Rotary Youth Exchange Needs You!!

Daniella has arrived in South Korea for her Rotary Youth Exchange, thanks to all the hours invested by our RCD Rotary Youth Exchange committee and numerous others.

Our committee needs some additional members! Please take this opportunity to meet some amazing high school students who want to be a part of the Rotary Youth Exchange program. We especially could use help with recruiting outbound students for the 2020-21 school year – recruiting starts in August! All that is required is (1) a criminal background check; and (2) a short on-line training regarding interactions with Youth Exchange students. That’s it!! Other volunteer opportunities (i.e., meeting make-ups!) also are available. Please contact Deb Cameron with questions or to get involved in this great Rotary program: dsc630@gmail.com or 404.668.1259.

Fellowship Opportunity
Save the Date: September 22 GRSP Welcome Party

Plan to join us at the Woulfins on Sunday, September 22 to give GRSP student Yemariam Workneh a warm Dunwoody welcome and have some serious fun with your Dunwoody Family of Rotary! The event is likely to start about 2 pm and continue through dinner. We'll provide more specifics as we get a little closer.

Celebrating Our International Reach
Would you like to go to Brazil in October?

We have been working with the Rotary Club of Felipe Bassura's mother to purchase equipment for a neo-natal unit at Santa Casa Hospital in Brazil. Felipe was our GRSP student two years ago. We are the lead international partner for this project through The Rotary Foundation. Some equipment has arrived, and all will be delivered by end of September, and we have received an invitation through Felipe from our club partner for our club to visit the hospital and attend a special celebration (quinceanera) for underprivileged girls October 13. The celebration is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Raio de Luz.

If you'd like to represent the Rotary Club of Dunwoody (at your expense), let Louise Barden know … soon! She and Ron are leaving in early September for Italy (at their expense) to represent RCD at an event for the Cesena, Italy Alzheimer’s Project. This project is also funded in part by our club through The Rotary Foundation.
