Thinking Ahead ...

We have some great opportunities coming up for fellowship and promoting membership in the Rotary Club of Dunwoody!

  • September 19: Thirsty Thursday at Morty's Meat & Supply, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
  • September 28: Oktoberfest at St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, noon - 6:00 pm ... We will have a booth at the festival to tell our Rotary Club of Dunwoody story - check in with Mike Kenig or Tina Philpott to find out how you can help
  • October 6: Welcome Hoa and Bin - our GRSP and Rotary Youth Exchange students for 2024-25 - at a backyard party hosted by Meghan Berry - great opportunity to socialize with your Dunwoody Family of Rotary ... more details to follow soon

Plan to join us! And bring a friend!

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
September 4, 2024


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