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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

August 26, 2020


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/28 Kaitlin Sandor, Rotary Global Grant Scholar ... Via Zoom
9/4 Brian Harper and Annette Rollins, Atlantic Capital Bank, "Helping Businesses Survive COVID Challenges" ... Via Zoom
9/11 Daniela Sanchez, Rotary Youth Exchange - "My Year in Korea" ... via Zoom
9/18 No Friday Meeting - instead consider bringing a friend to Thursday Thursday live!

Our Rotary Family

8/2 George Stewart, Jr.
8/4 William Thiele
8/14 Cathie Brumfield
8/15 Jack Francisco
8/17 Charlie Augello
8/23 Andrew Kaiser
8/30 Bob Freeman


8/2 William Grogan (40)
8/3 Deb Cameron (29)
8/12 Marion Bunch (42)
8/18 Darrin Vanderpan (2)
8/19 Mike Parks (3)
8/20 Ron Barden (53)
8/31 Rick Woods (19)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

This Week's Speaker on Zoom ...
Kaitlin Sandor, Global Grant Scholar ... on Zoom

Grab your coffee or tea and join us on Zoom this Friday at 7:15 a.m. to hear from Global Grant Scholar Kaitlin Sandor. Just follow the Zoom link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419.

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Dunwoody, Kaitlin Sandor will be pursuing her Masters at the University of Auckland, NZ. Kaitlin graduated from Harvard and is currently studying medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. She has experience in the financial services industry, focused on pharma and biomedical investment opportunities.

Her career goal is to become a physician researcher, focused on disease prevention and treatment, specifically regarding such ailments as ALS and Alzheimer's. She will be hosted by the Rotary Club of Ellerslie Sunrise. Kaitlin is pictured here with PDG Jim Squire and Global Grant Scholar Sean Minton as they prepared last fall for their year studying abroad. 

Dunwoody has long been involved in The Rotary Foundation program that provides international scholarships valued at $30,000 or more to graduate students pursuing careers that support one of TRF's six areas of focus. Kathy Brandt chairs this committee for District 6900 and both Eleni Bafas and Anne Glenn serve on the committee. 

Serving During the Pandemic
Planting for Malachi's Storehouse

Over the weekend Kobelah Bennah volunteered in the garden of Malachi’s Storehouse. He had a lot of fun clearing several beds and preparing them for fall planting in hopes of producing fresh and wholesome food.

More info on Malachi’s Storehouse Garden: “Located on the grounds of Malachi’s Storehouse, we have an organic garden that is planted, tended and harvested by and for our clients. Seasonal produce is grown and clients are encouraged to help with the garden. This provides children and adults a hand’s on educational experience and an opportunity to access fresh produce.” -Malachi’s Storehouse

Opportunities to Serve During the Pandemic
Plan to Share Your Gardening Skills with the Dunwoody Nature Center - September 12

We have an opportunity to get our hands dirty - in a good way - at the Dunwoody Nature Center on Saturday, September 12.  We're building an RCD Nature Team to help with whatever tasks we might find. 

This opportunity may be open monthly, but we start with one day: Saturday, September 12 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at 5343 Roberts Drive, Dunwoody, GA 30338. Dress to get dirty - in a Dunwoody Rotary shirt if you have one! Bring water, gloves, mask, social distance and  a can-do spirit. We're looking into opportunities to bring a lunch and enjoy some outdoor fellowship afterward.

Contact Cathie Brumfield to RSVP with pleasure! (404) 668-6693.

The Rotary Foundation
One Reason We Give to The Rotary Foundation

Yesterday, the World Health Organization announced that the African Region including Nigeria has been CERTIFIED as a Polio Free Region. Nigeria did not report any wild polio Virus Cases in the last four years, resulting in the region declared/Certified as polio free. This takes us a step forward in Rotary's 30+ year initiative to End Polio Now.

Our club has supported this initiative - with $172,625 in total giving to polio eradication through June 30, 2020. And several of our members - Roy Wise, Laura Kann, Robert and Charlene Hall - have personally given the polio vaccine to hundreds of children in India. 

This is just one of the many ways that The Rotary Foundation helps us to make a difference in the world. To learn more about how to give to The Rotary Foundation, contact PDG Bill Mulkey or President Ardy.

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