From the District Governor
Have Fun and They Will Come

As I continue to travel around the District, I am so proud to be your District Governor. We have fun in our social gatherings and it is great to see all the work that you are doing to make a difference in your communities and around the world. While we're just looking around the first turn in our race - with a quarter of the year behind us - we're already focused on the fun we'll have at District Conference in April, and several key destinations for our Rotary year.

We ended the first quarter with an amazing Polio Symposium organized and sponsored by the E- Rotary Club of Emory-Clifton - documenting our progress to date, updating us on the challenges before us in ending Polio, and inspiring us all to continue supporting the efforts of Rotary and our partners.

Smokey & the Bandit Alert: A District Conference and Grand Prix Party You Won't Want to Miss!

Normally, you'd watch out for Smokey, but next April we're off to the races at Sandestin - with Smokey and the Bandit there to help you celebrate a year of fun and accomplishments.

Thursday April 25 will feature an evening of adult "big wheels" racing. This is a great way to start off the District Conference and we want to see you at the First Grand Prix!

Your club can participate in the race or simply enjoy your time as spectators. Our first Rotary Grand Prix will be a celebration on the front lawn of the Grand Sandestin. When you sign up to be part of Thursday night's race, we will provide all the team racing equipment. The party also includes a sampling of foods typical of the race track - with tastes of local areas from Texarkana, Texas to the Lakewood Fairgrounds in Georgia. You will also be provided with a selection of adut libations and beer being transported by the Rotary bandit.

Our web site will be ready soon for you to register for what we promise will be an amazing district conference - watch for an email with a link to the registration site. While you're there, register for Thursday night and reserve your rooms within the Rotary Room Block.

Watch for more information about District Conference soon … including a preview of a Friday night experience that makes you proud to be a Rotarian!

And As We Take Our First Turn in This Rotary Race …

We're focused on several key destinations:

  • Making a difference through the Rotary Foundation. We're coming up on Foundation Month in November and most clubs will have a meeting that focuses on the work we're doing and the ways each of us can contribute. Check with your club's Foundation chair to see where you stand in your Foundation giving and consider making a contribution.
  • Growing membership. We are working hard this year to attract new members who share our goals to have fun and make a difference in the world. Think about family and friends you can introduce to Rotary, and ways you can help make new members feel welcome and become involved in your club.
  • Making the most of GRSP and Rotary Youth Exchange. We have an amazing group of young people in our midst this year, thanks to these two great programs. Take time to get to know your students. We're already planning for next year. Mike Parks and his team will select next year's outbound Rotary Youth Exchange students later this year - the interest in the program has been incredible. The student selection books for GRSP will be out soon for the 2019-20 Rotary Year.
  • Recognizing club achievements through the District's annual awards program. Now is the time for Club Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs to plan and prepare for award submission - gathering necessary photos, letters and documents. Submissions are due by 5:00 pm on March 5, but there's a lot of work ahead of that to be sure you cross the finish line.
  • Planning for the next Rotary year. Commitments to DGE Jim Squire and recruitment of club officers, directors and committee chairs is starting now. Let your President Elect know what you'd like to be involved in, or ask how you can help in the coming year. It takes everyone's effort to accomplish all we do! It's also time to nominate club members as candidates for District Governor here in D6900 - contact Carol Lipphardt for more information and submit nominations for the 2021-22 Rotary year by October 31.

Posted by Court Dowis, Jr.
October 3, 2018


This Year’s Posts: