Global Grant Scholar Update
As Their Year Gets Underway ...

from Emily Trautner and Arush Lal, 2018-19 Global Grant Scholars

From Emily …

Things in London are going very well. In fact I actually went to Rome with a student organization this past weekend, which was really great. Also, I am now walking well since my foot is nearly completely healed, so that makes life much easier too. My flat has been working out well, and I am now bike commuting to school, which has been a refreshing start to my day.

My host club here has been very hospitable! They helped me from the airport and I join them for most of their meetings, since it is a really nice group of people. Also, they are an active and young club, so I will certainly be volunteering with them soon. Other than that, the Rotary UK organized a weekend for all of us to meet, which was great. We also had the opportunity to go to the London district conference, and I spoke a little bit about myself and mentioned the Dunwoody club.

My academic experience has been really great so far. Specifically, I have been impressed by the quality of the London School of Economics courses, and the large number of fascinating extra community lectures in the evenings. Though more than that, I have enjoyed meeting and learning from my classmates, who are from countries all over the world. I have also been surprised to find a very large number of students here who are already doctors!

Anyway, in sum, things are going very well and I am very glad that I have had so many amazing opportunities so far!

From Arush ...

I have been happy to be welcomed by many Rotarians in London - both from my host club and in other nearby clubs. I’ve been fortunate that we’ve already had three big Rotary events so far— one with Rotary scholars and host Rotarians this year across Great Britain and Ireland, one with our London clubs where we met many folks in the area, and the third with the entire district during the District Conference where we were even highlighted as part of the program!

I’ll be heading to my host club next week as well, and have enjoyed getting to know the helpful and passionate leaders that make up Rotary in London. I’m also already slated to present as the keynote speaker at my host club in February!

The academic program so far has been incredibly fulfilling and enriching. Because Emily and I have the unique opportunity to be a registered students in both the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the London School of Economics, I’ve been exposed to a wide variety of professors, students, teaching styles, and courses. I’ve especially enjoyed the fact that both schools have been very open in assisting us when necessary and that the students make up a diverse group from varied backgrounds, countries, and experiences, leading to robust discussions in our seminars and lectures.

It certainly has been a very busy past few months, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to grow in my academic and professional career, and look forward to an exciting year ahead, with my Rotary community by my side!

Posted by Kathy Brandt
December 6, 2018


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