From the District Governor
Looking Forward to Connecting With You in Our New Rotary Year

Donna and DG Jim Squire with RI President Mark and Gay Maloney

Donna and DG Jim Squire with RI President Mark and Gay Maloney

DG Jim at Lake Spivey Clayton County year-end celebration and installation

DG Jim at Lake Spivey Clayton County year-end celebration and installation

Rotary Connects the World is the theme selected by Rotary International President Mark Maloney for the new Rotary year we have just entered. To me, that is a theme that should resonate personally with all Rotarians. In fact, I view this as a very personal year, not just because I am so honored to be your District Governor and am excited about the prospects of what we can do as we Connect With Rotary in District 6900, but also because the theme emphasizes what Rotarians do best; reaching out and touching and Connecting the members in our clubs in fellowship, the citizens in our community in service, the clubs in our District in collaboration, and the world in compassion.

Rotary Connects with people throughout the world with every one of our Six Areas of Focus. Out of those six I have chosen Basic Education and Literacy as the focus I am asking you to join me in supporting in the coming year. Life Long Learning is critical from the cradle to the grave, whether beginning your education journey, setting out on your first job, starting a family, making mid-career corrections, or sharpening your mind in later years, being able to Connect with learning opportunities is critical. I have asked Sandy Springs Rotarian Julia Bernath, Fulton County Board of Education Vice President, to led the effort of gathering best practices from around the District forLife Long Learning projects - including projects where help has been given to community members to go to school, go back to school, or be tutored or mentored by club members. I look forward to 71+ great stories of learning Connections as I visit your clubs this year.

In addition to Connecting this year we will be Celebrating! Celebrating the Rotary Club of Marietta and Rotary Club of West Point Centennials! Celebrating the 2010-2020 Decade and each club’s signature projects and events over the last 10 years which will be showcased at the District Conference on Jekyll Island April 30 – May 3.

Again, Donna and I are honored and humbled to be your First Lady and District Governor, and look forward to honoring you when we visit your club this year.

Connect With Rotary!


Posted by Jim Squire
July 9, 2019


Posted by Steve Corder
Rotary Club of North Fulton
July 9, 2019 11:38pm

Thanks, Jim. I hope that you and Donna have a great year. I appreciate so much your sacrifice and that of your family to fulfill what is needed to serve in the role of DG. I can't even imagine...

Have a great year. I know you will and we look forward to Kirk following you!

This Year’s Posts: