Our Rotary Foundation
District 6900 “Doing Good at Home and around the World”

by Anne Glenn, District Rotary Foundation Chair, 2022-25

Thank you to every Rotarian who made last year so special for our Rotary Foundation. Your generous donations and passionate concern for people you know in your community as well as people you will never meet, or see, continues to display decency and “good” in a world growing poor and needy.

As your newest District Rotary Foundation Director, I remain humbled by your commitment to Rotary and The Rotary Foundation. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals. And as a starter - NEWSFLASH - all District Grant and Special District Grant checks are in the mail to all of you!

A special thanks is sent to immediate past DRFC Cheryl Greenway and the entire District Foundation team for your advice, support and wisdom as we serve others.  You’ve set a high bar for 2022-2023.    

To begin a new Rotary year together, think about this quote from Warren Buffett.  “The incredible thing about love is you can’t get rid of it…people who push it out get it back tenfold.”

Moving forward together, join us to become an investor in people through The Rotary Foundation.  Believe in them…fund them with your time, money and love.  Keep making the world a better place.  

Posted by Anne Glenn
August 5, 2022


Posted by Claudia Mertl
Rotary Club of Atlanta Southern Crescent
August 15, 2022 1:31pm

This is an excellent article, but of course it is! It's from you!!!!

This Year’s Posts: