From Our District Governor
Rotary Foundation Month: Thanks for Helping Us Do Good

As we approach Thanksgiving, I am grateful and proud to be part of an organization with members who are very giving to their community and the world.  Having visited over half the Rotary clubs in our district, I see the caring and concern that each club has for their community and fellow citizens as well as the world. One cannot imagine all the good the clubs are doing in their community regardless of their size. I have found that every club has a passion for something in their community. Clubs are using their District Grants or doing fund raisers to improve their community. This shows the generosity of our club members by giving to The Rotary Foundation and supporting their club’s fundraisers.

November is Rotary Foundation month. The Foundation provides the funds we need for our District Grants, Competitive Grants and Global Grants. About half of the money we give this Rotary year will be returned to the District in three years, providing the dollars to fund those grants. This year, 42 clubs did District Grants for a total of $75,250 and eight clubs were rewarded Competitive Grants that totaled $55,000. All of these projects fall into one of the seven Areas of Focus. Be thinking about ways your club can make the most of our connection with The Rotary Foundation, and how you can help continue our good work through your donations to the Foundation.

The Rotary year is one-third completed, so be sure you are entering your club’s accomplishments into Rotary Club Central at My.Rotary.org. District Conference is six months away and the deadline for inputting your accomplishments for District awards is March 15, 2023. 

We hope you plan on attending District Conference with the Green Acres theme. I am writing this at Sandestin Beach and Golf Resort where we have just finished a planning meeting. There will be something for everyone from educational events to inspirational moments and just plain fun. So be sure to mark your calendar to attend District Conference from April 27 to April 30, 2023. Watch for more information and an opportunity to register in the near future.

Let me end by saying that I hope you enjoy time with your family and friends during this holiday season. And by saying thank you for all you do!

Posted by George Granade
October 29, 2022


This Year’s Posts: