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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

December 9, 2020


December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month

12/11 Holiday Luncheon - Join Live or Via Zoom
1/8 Todd Galanti, General Manager, Costco Perimeter ... in Person and Via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

12/1 Peyton Adkins-Graham
12/4 Carter Stout
12/8 Ardy Bastien
12/8 Rick Otness
12/14 Ron Barden
12/15 Rick Woods
12/19 Susan Schwall
12/23 Bill Mulkey
12/23 Erich Schuetz
12/31 Jack Sparks
12/31 Marion Bunch
12/31 Mark Sykes
12/31 Charlene Hall
12/31 Jeff Rosen
12/31 Cary King
12/31 Enrique Ramos
12/31 Matthew Johnson
12/31 Freddy Morello


12/20 Jack Sparks (15)
12/21 Anne Glenn (24)
12/31 Robert Hall (0)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

This Week for Dunwoody Rotary
Holiday Luncheon This Friday, Dunwoody Nature Center and a Look at the Rest of December

Join us this Friday for the annual holiday luncheon, a chance to greet each other and enjoy some music, some recognitions and fellowship! Some of us will gather at the Dunwoody Country Club at 11:00 am; others will join by Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419. If you're joining by Zoom, be sure to log in by 11:15 so you don't miss the beautiful singing voice of our 2019-20 GRSP student Yemariam Workneh. Then we'll all enjoy some inspiring words, lunchtime music by Jed Shumway, and some recognitions and announcements. The program will end by 1 pm. And don't forget about Toys for Tots; you can read about it later in this bulletin.

This Saturday, you can join our crew at the Dunwoody Nature Center for a work day - scheduled from 9am to noon. Bring your gloves, masks and a gardening tool.

Then relax and make the most of the holiday season. There won't be a Thirsty Thursday gathering in December. We'll  be back together for our first meeting of 2021 on January 8, and back at work in the community in the New Year.

Thanks for all that all of you do, and all the best this holiday season.

Opportunity to Serve
This is the Time to Support Toys for Tots!

As you know, we are continuing our tradition of supporting the Marines and their Toys for Tots Drive this holiday season. We will have a table at the Holiday Luncheon on December 11 to collect your donations. That said, we know that in this year of the pandemic, not everyone will be joining us at the Dunwoody Country Club. That doesn't mean you can't help us support Toys for Tots. We have two options:

  • In lieu of buying presents, you may support this endeavor by sending a check made out to Toys for Tots to Jim Glass, 5024 Oakhurst Walk, Dunwoody GA 30338.  
  • Charlie Augello has agreed to collect items at the East 48th Street Market. Drop them there before Friday, December 11 if you can. 

All donations must be received by December 14. This year, our Toys for Tots campaign is likely to make more of a difference than ever, so please help us support this great work!

Join The Fight Against Human Trafficking

The Rotary Club of Dunwoody is filled with people of action. We now know that Metro-Atlanta is a major human trafficking hub. Now, we are asking YOU to do something about it!

Our Club is part of The Atlanta Rotary Council Against Human Trafficking. We have partnered with the International Human Trafficking Institute (IHTI), the Rotary Action Group Against Slavery (RAGAS), and Human Traffic Proof GA. January is “End Human Trafficking” month. IHTI is offering two one-hour instructor-led, virtual training events multiple times to Rotarians in January. Each has its own sign-in link ... click sign up for the sessions you wish to attend.

Another Way to Give ...
Tis the Season for Making a Difference ... with AmazonSmile

It is a great time of year to have your holiday purchases make a double impact – and help our Charitable Fund! We all are ordering from Amazon – did you know that you can order from AmazonSmile with the same login, at the same prices and, when you designate the Rotary Club of Dunwoody (RCD)  as your charity, RCD benefits??

Simply go to AmazonSmile (https://smile.amazon.com/) and designate the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund as your charity. Then, place your Amazon order through the AmazonSmile website. Every time you order from Amazon a donation equal to .5% of your purchase will be made to the Charitable Fund. The Charitable Fund has received about $100 through AmazonSmile. Every little bit counts!

AmazonSmile supports more than a million charities - to the tune of $215 million overall. It's an easy way to make a difference!

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