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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

November 15, 2023


November is Rotary Foundation Month

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Fred Brandt
11/3 Jessie Legros
11/11 Roy Ethridge
11/18 Ray Huebschmann
11/18 Jennifer Shumway
11/26 Dottie Toney


11/26 Lang Wooddy (7)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
AC Hotel Atlanta Perimeter - Bar Peri
40 Perimeter Center Pl NE
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346



President Jack Sparks
President-Elect Louise Barden
President Nominee Matthew Johnson
Immediate PP Jennifer Shumway
Vice President Louise Barden
Treasurer Carter Stout
Secretary Dave Burr
Sergeant-at-Arms George Stewart, Jr.

No Friday Meeting This Week
Buy/Sell Whiskey Raffle Tickets Today; Join Us for Thirsty Thursday Tomorrow at North Italia

Plans for today and tomorrow? Our suggestion:

  • Today: take one more opportunity to buy or encourage others to buy tickets for this year's second Whiskey Raffle. The more tickets we sell, the more service projects we can do in the community. Just click here and buy your Raffle #2 tickets for $20 each. We're selling 175 tickets; only 63 sold to date.
  • Tomorrow (Thursday, November 16) - Join the Dunwoody Family of Rotary for fun and fellowship at North Italia in Dunwoody, 4600 Ashford Dunwoody Road NE. Festivities begin at 5:30 pm and the winner of Whiskey Raffle #2 will be determined before the night is done!

Service Opportunity
Share the Thanksgiving Spirit - Helpers Needed Tomorrow at Kingsley

Dunwoody Rotary held its own Turkey Trot on Wednesday, with a crew who visited Publix to buy turkeys for the 86 harvest baskets going to families in need at Kingsley Elementary! Thanks to Publix for storing the turkeys until we put baskets together tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow - we need four very strong people to help carry very heavy Harvest Baskets to family vehicles tomorrow - two in the morning, two in the afternoon. Contact Anita Augello if you can help.

Service Opportunity
Help Make Someone's Holidays Brighter with Toys for Tots!

With only two weeks until the holiday luncheon, it's time to start shopping. For many years, under the leadership of Jim and Janet Glass, Dunwoody Rotarians have been very generous in the Marines Toys for Tots Drive - just look at the spread of toys above and you'll have a vision of what we can do.

Look for toys, bikes and games and bring them to the Holiday luncheon on December 1!  If you have a van and can help with transporting the toys after the luncheon, please let Jim Glass know.

With your generosity, we can make this holiday season special for needy local youth!

Fellowship and Fun
Join Us for the 40th Annual Holiday Luncheon - December 1

Please plan to join Dunwoody's Family of Rotary and special guests for the Rotary Club of Dunwoody's Holiday Luncheon on Friday, December 1 at the Dunwoody Country Club. Arrive between 11 and 11:30 AM with the welcome to start at 11:30! As always, we welcome your spouse or special guest.

This year, we are reviving a tradition started 20 years ago (interrupted by COVID) with the Dresden Elementary School chorus joining us to provide some beautiful entertainment.  And of course, we will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots!  Please consider bringing a new, unwrapped toy to help spread some holiday joy this year to children and families in our community.

Please RSVP to Matthew Johnson at mjohnsonrotary@gmail.com by FRIDAY, November 24, 2023!

Look forward to seeing everyone there!

Fellowship Opportunity
What are You Doing New Year's Eve?

Some of us are going to the Imperial. Fez at 8 pm for a Moroccan feast and belly dancing. The location is in Berkeley Lake at 4790 Peachtree Industrial. You can check out the restaurant at www.imperialfezrestaurant.com

Contact Sherry Levy (sherrylevy13@hotmail.com) or Louise Barden (Lbarden@comcast.net) to reserve.
