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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

May 22, 2024


May is Youth Service Month

5/24 General Meeting - Dan Gertsacov
5/31 General Meeting - Jay Vinicki, City of Dunwoody
6/7 General Meeting - Special Topic TBD by Jack Sparks
6/14 General Meeting

Our Rotary Family

5/4 Lorri Christopher
5/20 Tina Philpot


5/4 Jennie Stipick (16)
5/11 Hoshi Daruwalla (16)
5/28 Bob O'Brien (47)
5/28 Matthew Johnson (13)
5/29 Terence Shortal (128)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
AC Hotel Atlanta Perimeter - Bar Peri
40 Perimeter Center Pl NE
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346



President Jack Sparks, Jr.
President-Elect Louise Barden
President Nominee Matthew Johnson
Immediate PP Jennifer Shumway
Vice President Louise Barden
Treasurer Carter Stout
Secretary Dave Burr

This Week's Speaker
Dan Gertsacov, CEO, The Big Green Egg

Join us this Friday at the AC Hotel to welcome Dan Gertsacov,  a seasoned leader with 25 years of experience who is currently the President of Big Green Egg, the world’s leading kamado grill and ceramic oven brand. Dan's non-traditional leadership path has seen him through roles at Google, McDonald’s, and multiple venture-backed startups, proving his ability to drive growth through adversity.

Thank You!
FORE! The Memories a Great Success!

Thanks to all who participated as a sponsor, golfer or volunteer with special thanks to Alison for managing volunteers, Dottie & Griff for managing the auction & Hoshi for keeping our most excellent website up to date!

We had a successful event in spite of the weather challenge! By the way, a golf event is never cancelled unless the golf course shuts the event down because of dangerous conditions such as lightning or flooding!

Preliminary PROFIT is approximately $45K with $25K going to Alzheimer’s The Longest Day and the rest to our Rotary Club of Dunwoody Charitable Fund for donations to Anchor Place Respite Care and our other community projects. We’ll give you more precise information after our final accounting to the Board.

Event and tee signs can be picked up at the Dunwoody MailCenter, Etc. Please see Dave Burr to arrange pick-up if you want your sign.

The FORE! the Memories Golf Tournament Committee Heads will debrief this month so please send your observations & suggestions to Bob & Charlie or a Committee Head of your choosing. There is always something to learn & improve. 

Service Opportunity
Anchor Place Launches Dunwoody Respite Services

On May 15, Anchor Place Respite - Dunwoody opened its doors to provide respite care for individual with dementia issues in our community. Director Mary Cohen said, "Wow, did we have a BIG time on our first day with participants! The feedback from our friends on the day and from their caregivers afterwards was so encouraging. One friend said, "I haven't had that much fun in a long time!"

The Rotary Club of Dunwoody is supporting Anchor Place in a BIG way, from donating nearly $10,000 in funds to having several of our club members volunteer to work in the respite center. Together with the friends we serve, volunteers share in all the day's activities.

On opening day, Mary tells us,"the amazing Sharon McWhorter leading us in a TimeSlips activity with a Corvette that led to some pretty hilarious and creative input. We also tested out some fancy handshakes and did some moves to Tequila & YMCA. The participation in Sondra's yoga session and Judy R's music was something to behold. And, of course, we had that delicious lunch from Charlie & Anita's East 48th St Market, which Brian ran over to pick up. Such a team effort in every way!"

More Volunteers Needed

In the near term, Anchor Place Respite-Dunwoody will be open every Monday and Thursday. They will NOT be open Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day and 4th of July Week (Monday, July 1st and Thursday, July 4th).

To serve our community, they need more volunteers. The next Volunteer Training session is set for Tuesday, June 11 from 9 - 11:30 AM. You can register at https://forms.gle/cDa7MQK7UsXSUo1e6 

You can learn more about Anchor Place and the volunteer opportunities at anchorplace.org

Special Offer
East 48th Street Market Offers Wine Savings for Rotarians - One-time Opportunity

Mark your calendar for next Friday, May 31 - when Charlie Augello will offer a special discount to Dunwoody Rotarians on selected wines. The wines will be available for purchase and pick-up at Friday's regular meeting.

We have Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Montepulciano of Abruzzo and a few other Italian wine selections to offer our members at a discount of at least 22% from retail prices. Donations will be $10 and up, most being in the $15 range. Cash or checks only for payment. We have a limited supply and what's available will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Help Celebrate!
Can You Believe We're 40 Years Old

RCD turned 40 last month and we're planning a BIG celebration on Thursday, June 20 as part of our End of the Year celebration. Food, fun and fellowship have been hallmarks of our past - and this event will be no exception. We'll relive some special moments from the past while we celebrate Jack Sparks' year as president and welcome in the future with President Elect Louise Barden and her leadership team.

You and a guest are invited. Be sure to RSVP to Matthew Johnson, and to let him know if you have any Dunwoody Rotary alumni you would like us to add to our list.; be sure Matthew has their names and email addresses.

Fellowship Opportunity
Dinner and a Play Anyone?

Join us for our special fun and fellowship opportunities for June: 

  • June 1: dinner at Petite Violettes on Claremont at 6 pm - please confirm supper attendance with Sherry Levy who will make reservations.
  • June 15: dinner at Dominick’s in Lawrenceville at 5:30 pm, followed by a play - "Sister Act" - at the Aurora at 8 pm. You can give your dinner reservation to Sherry Levy, and buy your theater tickets online.  Save $10 with HABIT code   Everyone buys their own tickets. The Bardens have tickets in row C of orchestra.

District Conference 2025
Jekyll Island Hosts DC United in April 2025: Register Now!

You won't want to miss the first ever multi-district conference on Jekyll Island from April 24-27, 2025. We are expecting 1000-1500 Rotarians to join us, so get your rooms booked before the sell out. We have blocks at every hotel and at a variety of price points, but these rooms will fill up quickly. Visit GeorgiaUnitedDC.com to register and link to all the available room blocks. We can't wake to turn Jekyll into Rotary Island next spring!

Posted by Gordon Owens