While We are Talking About Our Veterans

As we have said before, the Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association plans to install a beautiful monument in Dunwoody’s Brook Run Park to honor both American and Vietnamese soldiers who fought and died in the Vietnam War. The RCD Board approved to commit the Charitable Fund to match donations of Club members up to $2,500 so we can meet or exceed the $5,000 level to have the Club’s name and Rotary logo engraved on the monument. As of last Friday, we had moved beyond the $1,500 mark toward that goal!

If you’d like to participate, please make your tax deductible contribution to “Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund” and put “Vietnam War Memorial” on the memo line.  Then give or mail your check to RCD Treasurer Carter Stout as soon as possible.

Posted by George Stewart, Jr.
October 30, 2023


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