Rotary Foundation at Work
Sandy Springs and Johns-Creek North Fulton Seeking Help on Nepal Global Grant

The Rotary Clubs of Johns-Creek North Fulton and Sandy Springs are seeking your help tobuild toilets and bring water facilities to five elementary schools in rural Nepal, and join us in making an immediate, profound impact in the lives of 300+ children and 100 families in need. We are seeking US Rotary Clubs to become supporting partners on this project. Contributions of $1000 or more will be matched by a private Rotarian donor in order to maximize your impact!

The Need

Poverty and lack of education makes children in rural Nepal vulnerable to human trafficking, child labor and early marriage. Good education is vital to their safety, well-being and future. In Spring 2021, Rotarians Susan and Bruce Keenan learned of the dire situation of a community of 100+ families in rural Nepal. The families are indigenous and Dalit, and are suffering from widespread poverty, including food and water insecurity. The pandemic left families without jobs, food, and access to education for their children. The 300 children in this community attend five elementary schools with very poor conditions including no toilets and handwashing facilities, or drinkable water.

The Project

Rotary clubs in the US and around the world are collaborating on a Global Grant in the WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) category. These critical improvements will create a sustainable change for 300 current students and countless future students:

  • Install water tanks and sinks to provide clean drinking water for students and teachers with reserve capabilities so they no longer have to travel far to carry buckets of water for the school.
  • Install bathrooms so the students and teachers have working, hygienic bathroom facilities and a waste management system so they no longer need to go to the bathroom in the nearby woods.
  •  Provide training to promote good health and reduce disease through behavior changes of hand washing and the use and maintenance of hygienic toilet facilities.

Proposed US Fundraising Plan

Our aim is to raise a minimum of $42,000 for water tanks, sinks and faucets, and hygienic toilet facilities through individual club donations, DDF, and TRF. Club cdonations submitted by September 15, 2023.

For an itemized list of costs or other questions, please contact Rotarian Susan Keenan (Johns Creek- N. Fulton Rotary Club) email: susanskeenan@gmail.com cell: (678) 575-9912

Posted by Zac Boswell
July 31, 2023


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