Welcome to the Rotary Club On The Flint!

The Rotary Club On The Flint, Albany, Georgia, was chartered December 28, 2023. A Charter Ceremony was held Monday, January 8, 2024.  DG Andrè Marria presented Club President Walter Kelley and President-Elect Brenda Hodges Tiller the Club’s Charter, the Theme Flag and the Governor's Personal gift.

She charged the Club to Create Hope in the World by working with passion and purpose the objectives set forth in a well-developed Strategic Plan. Charter members were charged to work to increase giving to The Rotary Foundation and to grow membership. DG Andrè expressed the importance of making the club experiences meaningful and fun, through strategically planned activities that are welcoming as well as inviting!

Each member received a Theme Pin.  They were pinned by AG Rene Smith, GRSP Trustee Angela Smith, District Treasurer Teri White and PDG George Grenade.  Great Fellowship and fun was shared by all in attendance. A great Congratulations to this club as it Helps Grow Rotary!

Posted by Brenda Hodges-Tiller
January 9, 2024


Posted by Linda Hatten
Rotary Club of Brookhaven
January 10, 2024 2:55pm

How exciting! Welcome to D6900!

This Year’s Posts: