Club News
Alpharetta Rotary Seeks Partners for Brazil Project

Alpharetta Rotarian Bob Koncerak recently returned from his third trip to Brazil, during which he met with members of Rotary Oeste (D4680) to discuss a proposed  project to equip a Down center facility in Pelotas, Rio Grande de Sul.

The project is progressing quickly: city officials have granted a 1.25 acre parcel of land, an architect has presented facility plans, and phases of construction have been proposed. The community enthusiasm for this project is impressive!

Rotary-Oeste has offered to host D6900 members for a visit to beautiful southern Brazil and Iguazu Falls later this year. The purpose of the trip is to further D6900's engagement for D4680's work in the community, visit the club's ongoing projects and treat us to a "bucket list" visit to incredible Iguazu Falls. The strength of the US dollar to the Reis will make this a surprisingly affordable adventure. The proposed time for the trip is mid-November (likely the week of 11/14-20).

The Alpharetta club will host a Zoom call in mid-August to discuss the project, review an itinerary and travel plans. For more information, contact Bob Koncerak @ RDAHKoncerak@yahoo.com.

Posted by Bob Koncerak
August 2, 2021


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