Our Rotary Foundation at Work
Global Grant To Help Down Children in Brazil

March 21 (3/21) is World Down Syndrome Day (Down persons have a third instance of chromosome #21.  Clever, eh?). Notably, it’s ALSO the day that Rotary Club of Alpharetta and Rotary Club Pelotas Oeste celebrate approval of a $70,000 Rotary International Global Grant to fund special education and training for Down persons, their families and support groups in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. God’s timing is excellent! Thanks to D6900 club partners Peachtree City, Roswell, Stone Mountain, Dunwoody, Atlanta Brazil AND D7780 clubs Bath and Yarmouth!  Thanks further to the 5 additional Pelotas Rotary clubs involved - 15 clubs and 3 districts in all!

Posted by Bob Koncerak
March 21, 2022


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