From Our RI Director
Join Zoomformation Call - Monday December 6 at 1:00 pm

From RI Director Peter Kyle

Once again, I am pleased to announce that the upcoming Zoomformation call (login details below) on December 6 at 1:00 pm will include three very distinguished speakers. As December is Disease Treatment and Prevention Month, the focus of each presentation will be on a different aspect of public health. The three presenters are:

  1. Dr. John Philip, MD: "The pleasures and pitfalls of engaging in health improvement programs." Dr. Philip is the Chair of the International Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professionals, a Past District Governor (District 1040) and a member of the Technical Cadre.
  2. Dr. John Ward, MD: "Progress on the Elimination of Hepatitis." Dr. Ward created and directs the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination of the Task Force for Global Health - guiding the development of a global viral hepatitis elimination program. He will speak on Rotary's involvement in this initiative.
  3. Brad Howard: "Update on Rotary Family Health Days." Rotary Family Health Days is the signature program of the Rotary Action Group for Family Health and Aids Prevention (RFHA). Brad is a member of the Board of Directors of RFHA. He is also a Past Director of RI and currently serves as the Aide to RI President-Elect Jennifer Jones.
Each of these speakers are leaders in their respective fields. You will not want to miss this Zoomformation call. Please invite your Rotarian friends to join the call.

Join Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85181928278?pwd=OTZyZVIycDdCS1lCSklGZ0VpTVcwQT09

Meeting ID: 851 8192 8278 Passcode: 586184

Posted by Mary Ligon
December 4, 2021


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